Alyssa Ravenwood will be presenting on Saturday. The Mask is an Actor. How to create performance masks that define character and express emotion.
Free, online. You must pre-register. Boston University.
Alyssa Ravenwood is available for private consultation and instruction online. $50/hour. Click here to schedule a meeting.
Leather Masks of the finest quality. Each mask is Handmade by award-winning mask maker, Alyssa Ravenwood.
Ravenwood Masks is not filling any custom orders at this time. Alyssa is on sabbatical.
Ravenwood Masks are available to purchase at Maskarade Mask Shop in the French Quarter, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- A master mask maker
Alyssa Ravenwood creates masks that are both beautiful and comfortable.

Welcome to my shop!
Thank you for visiting my shop Ravenwood Masks. I care about your experience here. I care about making you the best mask that I can. Clients have praised my masks for their quality construction, comfort, and durability.
I am currently pursuing an MFA in Fine Arts. This is why I am not available for mask making right now.
Find out more about my artwork and career on DA - https://www.deviantart.com/alyssa-ravenwood/gallery
With all my very best wishes,
Alyssa Ravenwood